
Our Outdoor Billboard Advertising Services Offer Fantastic Exposure and Return on Investment!

广告牌, 也叫公告, are the largest and among the most impactful standard-sized Out of 首页 media formats. 位于交通繁忙的州际公路和高速公路沿线, 以及主要的地面十字路口, 公告提供了高密度的西雅图消费者对车辆交通的暴露, 通常是对行人. 广告牌广告提供了更高的知名度,不仅是因为他们的规模, but also because they allow creative “customizing” through extensions and embellishments. Pacific Outdoor’s bulletin board advertising services provide high impact for for a variety of businesses and industries to reach consumers with effective messaging that targets daily commuters over a short term or extended period of time. 因为广告牌的规模很大, 他们捕捉并保持观众的注意力,并创造和支持品牌知名度.

想看看我们的活动能为你们的品牌做些什么? Call our Seattle office at (206) 536-3600 or contact us online to see how we can get your company’s campaign started today!


这里有一些 统计数据 这显示了广告牌的有效性和潜在影响:

  • 71%的人说他们记得他们看到的广告牌
  • 56%的人说他们会和别人谈论滑稽的广告牌
  • 58%的人说他们去了从广告牌上了解到的餐厅
  • 58%的人说他们参加的活动是他们从广告牌上了解到的
  • 50%的人说他们去的商店是他们从广告牌上了解到的
  • 广告牌 and OOH (Out of 首页) Advertising increase mobile search by as much as 54%
  • 广告牌 and OOH drives 3x more digital and social activation than any other ad medium


广告牌与人们居住和出行的街道相连. 它们是你的品牌真实、有形的表现. 在这个数字混乱的世界, ads on billboard signs are easily seen and reach people as they move through their daily lives. 无论你是一个全国性的广告客户还是一个小型的本地企业, our personalized bulletin advertising services can help drive traffic and increase sales. 我们提供策略性的, targeted coverage of key areas within the Seattle market where other out of home advertisers have little or no presence.

我们的公告广告服务为您提供部分广告位 整个西雅图市人口最密集的地区 如:

  • 整个斯诺霍米什县的北西雅图郊区
  • 林伍德,米尔克里克
  • Paine Field和波音公司的Everett设施.
  • 西雅图太空针塔、派克市场和西雅图市中心
  • 塔科马和法夫
  • 塔科马和西塔克机场之间的I-5公路


线上博彩平台排名是一家本地公司, 精品, affordable billboard advertising company that offers personalized campaigns to help you drive customers and leads to your business. 你会发现我们的大型广告牌位于最主要的位置, 以最大的能见度, 在西雅图最拥挤的地铁走廊里. 当您选择线上博彩平台排名作为您的广告牌广告公司, 你的品牌或信息将站在最大的品牌之列, 因为美国十大品牌中有7个使用了户外广告. 线上博彩平台排名 offers a consultative sales approach with turnkey services that include design, 生产, 为我们在西雅图和塔科马的大量线上博彩平台排名进行安装.




扶轮公告被移动到不同的位置, pre-approved locations periodically to give broad market coverage or to target specific geographic areas.


Permanent bulletins have dominant coverage of high traffic volumes at fixed locations; advertising remains at the location throughout the duration of the contract, 可以是短期的,也可以是长期的(4周到多年). Permanent bulletins are also used for directional or selected geo-demographic coverage purposes to drive local traffic toward a specific business location.


打印公告, 不透明PVC、乙烯基或PE塑料, 制作公告最常用的技术是什么. Durable and long-lasting flexible vinyl faces present a uniform appearance with good color and art quality. The material is usually produced on one sheet and stretched over the face of the structure. Printed bulletin material should be supplied to us at least 5 working days prior to the posting date. 如果你需要帮助, 我们的广告牌广告公司可以协调整个制作, 运输和安装过程为您!


增加公告的影响力, extensions (cutouts that extend beyond the basic shape of the structure) are often used. Extensions or cut-outs may be added around perimeters often with a one-time charge per square foot. 取决于西雅图地区的具体规定, 延伸或切割可以从5 '的顶部添加, 2 '在侧面,1 '在底部.


在当今这个信息不断的世界里,广告牌可以消除所有的噪音. 它们在传递时是不可避免的,并且是广告商独有的, which provides brand safety and exclusivity that other advertising mediums cannot provide. Outdoor billboards have become a mainstay for most national advertisers as it represents a connecting point between the street and the digital universe. Outdoor billboards build reach quickly and add frequency as a campaign continues and they can’t be turned off, 调整了, 或者扔掉. Roadside billboard advertising delivers thousands of daily impressions to consumers over and over again creating the one of the lowest cost per thousand numbers available.


这里有一些 of the business categories that have campaigns with our billboard advertising company in Seattle…

  • 赌场
  • 旅游
  • 保险
  • 银行 & 信用合作社
  • 时尚 & 美容产品
  • 智能手机和电脑
  • 技术
  • 食品. 软饮料,瓶装水
  • 医院/医疗
  • 啤酒和白酒
  • 电信服务提供商
  • 广播 & 电视台
  • 啤酒厂
  • 递送服务
  • 餐厅
  • 杂货店
  • 汽车经销商
  • 园艺中心/苗圃
  • 房屋建筑商
  • 大麻药房


我们的户外广告牌招牌为贵公司提供定制, 灵活性, 曝光率是你发展业务所需要的. 广告牌仍然简单,有效,低成本. Interested in how our billboard/bulletin advertising services in the Seattle area can help your brand? 请致电(206)536 -3600或在我们的网站上与我们十大博彩网站评级正规博彩平台.


线上博彩平台排名在各方面都是一流的公司. The team demonstrates a strong collaborative and innovative spirit by using forward-thinking strategies. 很明显,Pacific Outdoor以注重细节而自豪, 做事有条理,乐于接受建设性的反馈, 使我们的业务关系毫不费力. 与这样一个才华横溢、值得信赖的团队一起工作是一件非常愉快的事情.
在我们与他们合作的十年里,他们提供了非凡的客户服务, 对请求的响应和提出一些伟大的想法. 他们使改变我们竞选活动的过程变得容易. 他们有一个紧密的团队,与客户紧密合作. 我们期待着在未来的许多年里与他们合作.
The professionals at Pacific Outdoor have played a critical role in implementing various Outdoor strategies. They presented us a turnkey experience that delivers the results we expect for our clients. 他们管理着从创意到制作的整个过程, 线上博彩平台排名的建议, 安装和性能证明. Pacific Outdoor has also demonstrated a true partnership in working with us during these challenging times.
Our Pacific Outdoor salesperson provides outstanding customer service and support while making us feel like a priority. Pacific Outdoor makes the process so easy and is willing to work with us on budget and timeframes for our campaigns.
Dr. 美国马丁航空公司
I've worked with Pacific Outdoor for nearly a decade using outdoor media to create leadership positions for our client's brands. 我一直觉得他们理解我们想要达到的目标, 带来专业知识和创造性的解决方案,帮助我们取得成功. 周围都是好人.
Pacific Outdoor took the time to understand our clients changing needs and strategies as people's daily lives began to shift. 他们帮助我们管理从生产开始的整个过程, 线上博彩平台排名的建议, 安装和性能证明. 我们的线上博彩平台排名户外销售人员反应很快,总是很方便. 我们的计划是无缝的,我们的活动产生了结果. Pacific Outdoor demonstrated a true partnership in working with us during these challenging times.
Pacific Outdoor demonstrated a true partnership in working with us during these challenging times. You guys were great in offering us the bonus locations and have always been very supportive of staying within my budget.
Pacific Outdoor takes the time to understand our needs and goes above and beyond to execute an excellent outdoor advertising campaign. They constantly put their best foot forward accommodating and quickly addressing all last minute requests and changes. 在这些不可预见/充满挑战的时期, 线上博彩平台排名是一个真正的合作伙伴, 为客户提供创造性的解决方案并履行承诺.
Pacific Outdoor put a cost effective and highly visible campaign together for me that brought immediate customer and employee feedback, 每个人都提到了广告牌!
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